Hey It's Niecy B. Here to tell you guys about my overall S.C.A Experience!
My Experience with the Student Conservation Association was wonderful, it introduced me so many new, and different things that I probably wouldn't know anything about if it weren't for me working here. I can remember my first day at the SCA I walked into a conference room full of strange faces that I'd never see before, and instantly felt eyes all over me I couldn't have been more nervous. My first day ay SCA, and I didn't know anyone I felt so awkward. Once the weeks passed, and I started to get used to everyone it wasn't so bad. I learned that everyone had positive funny attitudes and we all became the best of friends it was like my own personal family they were my leapers and we cared for one another.
As the Leap Program came to an end we began to work on our C.A.P Project ( Community Action Project) we based this particular project on violence because there seemed to be alot of that going on not only in our neighborhoods, and communitys but worldwide so it was a BIG issue that needed to be addressed. We came up with many ideas, but our main idea was to build a bench in Larimer Gardens with a message on it saying " Life is Lovely, Let It Grow' for everyone to see, because life is a truely precious gift, and it seems that alot of peoples lives are being taken for no reason at all. We also planted things, and made stepping stones for the garden as well. We ended the Leap Program with our Graduation, and some of us went on to participate in the summer Program. I myself participated in the Bioneers Intern Program.
The Bioneers Program was also an excellent experience for me, but a totally different one then the LEAP program! I loved being apart of the Bioneers Crew it taught me so many different things such as, how to be apart of a team, how to be a better leader, how to be a teacher, to always have a positive attitude, good work ethnic etc. This crew was full of so many wonderful people. We went so many different places like Falling Waters, The Macoskey Center, Round Hill Farm, Ohio Pyle etc I learned so many different things from these place I experienced a whole new world, because if it weren't for the SCA I know for a fact I wouldn't have visited so many wonderful places. I truely adore the SCA for giving me experience in so many different things, and teaching me about my world, and environment, I truely appreciate the SCA for introducing me to a whole new me the environmentally friendly Shawniece Mitchell. The Student Conservation Association is a big wonderful environmentally friendly family that does nothing but good things for this world and I am so lucky to have been apart of it! Thank You so much SCA I Love You!
Sincerely, Niecy B.