Thursday, April 21, 2011

Garbage Juice

Garbage juice YUCK that sounds nasty doesn't it? Do you ever take out your garbage and there is a bunch of juice in the garbage can? I did and it is digusting; it also smells awful. I watched this film on Garbage, they were talking about how it is good to try not to throw away so much, because the more you throw away the more garbage juice it makes. Did you ever wonder what happens to your garbage after you put it out? I did until I find out the answer to my question. After your garbage is collected they take it to a landfill, but before that the garbage goes through the transfer station. 45% goes to the landfill, 14% is burned, and 32% is composting or reused. When that one landfill is filled they have to go to a different one; sometimes it takes 3 days to dig a new landfill. Did you know that some garbage can be burned and will turn into energy? It's true, but you have to be careful of what you burn so that poison is not in the air. Americans produce about 230 million tons of garbage each year.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me think more carefully about what I want to recycle. I am glad you were able to watch this film!


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