Friday was a wonderful day i shared with my crew! It was one of those days you can never forget. Falling waters & bike riding in one day can you say fun?? Falling waters was one if the most unique, beautiful houses I've ever seen. Being able to witness the house of the Kaufmans ment alot to me for many reasons. One, you dont come across nice homes like that every day. I'm glad they turned there home into a musuem to give people like me a chance to witness it. I was really amazed by the waterfalls and all the interior design. I wish i was able to live in a house of some sort. PAUSE, i couldnt imagine what life would be like living there. Glass windows through the whole house. It was just beautiful. Everything about it was so diffrent & i loved it. Mr. Wright designed the whole building. It really looks beautiful in the winter. I think people should really go out on the tour, They'll learn alot. I know I did. The water fall was my favorite part.
We also went bike riding on a pretty neet trail that went from b&o to D.C. of course we didnt ride that far we went about two miles. It was amazing, It was along a river where there were people fishing and all types of other things on rafts/boats. I havent been on a bike in like forever i loved the experince. Thats also something you dont get to do everyday. There was a wide range of all ages of people, from children to grandparents riding the trail. I really enjoyed myself!
Glad to see that you appreciated your day!